Friday 24 March 2017

Holy Spirit of Serenity Progress and Upcoming Film Scores

Filming Projects

It's been a couple of months since I wrote a blog post about my music so I will update on what I have been doing.  Firstly we've been having a bit of a break having acquired a lot of footage for some really interesting new films upcoming which I am looking forward to putting together; we had some awesome actors and some new faces which always pleases me immensely.  Some of our youngest members of the team are really coming into their own which is fantastic.  I am particularly looking forward to 'St. Thomas Garnet' as it will enable me to write another Elizabethan score which is my favourite (because of ERA II of course!).
St. Thomas Garnet Screenshot
Album Update

Amidst the filming and planning days, I have sporadically been pursuing 'Holy Spirit of Serenity' CD Music Album.  I have just two more tracks to write and then it is complete.  I am very much looking forward to releasing this as it has been in the planning/anticipation stage for a long while. 

I was thrilled with the new trailer we released for 'St. Julian of Norwich' film.  This film is so reflective we will be showing it at our Parish for Lent as it has very good meditations on the Passion of Our Lord.  Throughout the film there are several breaks, to help the viewer digest some of the deeper ponderings of St. Julian.  In these, I was able to write longer sequences of emotional instrumental interludes. here.
St. Julian of Norwich DVD
They build upon what has just been said but as the dialogue drops out the music takes over and speaks it's own story especially with the Cello and voices.  In the new trailer, several of these interludes have been used and give a good atmosphere showing what the film is like.  You can have a look/listen here.

I am also pursuing making all my music CDs and individual tracks available digitally but this is quite an arduous task at the moment although I am making progress.  I will update on that and point to the digital sites if/when available.

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