Friday 30 November 2018

The Dark Night of the Soul - Music for Contemplation - Saint John of the Cross Soundtrack

I had previously chosen to stop producing soundtracks onto CD at the six that I have released over the past several years.  Last week however somebody wrote to us asking where they could get the music soundtrack for St. John of the Cross Film.

Saint John of the Cross DVD
I remember writing this in 2014 and using CANTUS by Eduardo Tarilonte for the first time.  The monks voices and Gregorian Chant sounds are gorgeous and this score really does have it's own atmosphere.  So I decided to see if I could re-open the old project and produce the soundtrack onto CD for it.

It opened fine and I worked the score over the week into eight lovely tracks.  It was actually quite fun to listen to the music I had not heard in a while.  I gave the finished tracks to my sister to create titles for and she came up with titles relevant for this saint based upon the writings in the Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross.

The titles of these tracks are:

Track 1: Fired With Love (2:39)
Track 2: By The Secret Ladder (4:43)
Track 3: More Surely Than the Night of Noon (3:54)
Track 4: O Night More Lovely Than Dawn (2:34)
Track 5: The Breeze That Fanned the Cedars (3:33)
Track 6: The Guiding Night (3:10)
Track 7: In Darkness and Secure (7:16)
Track 8: My House is Now Still (4:42)

I'm really pleased with this CD as it speaks musically of Carmelite Spirituality and has a strong and absorbing atmosphere.  The CD is called DARK NIGHT and is the 7th in my Calm Your Spirit With Music series of Mary's Dowry Productions soundtracks.  It's available through our online shop

Dark Night CD Album Now Available

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