Monday 2 January 2017

Calm Your Spirit With Music: Volume 4 - NEW MUSIC CD

The Christmas break has seen a lot of backing up for Mary's Dowry Productions, checking old hard drives and making everything organised.  I decided it was about time our 'Well Known Saints: Volume 1' DVD was renewed.
Well Known Saints: Volume 1 DVD
This was one of our very first DVDs and was not in widescreen.  Also the narration was recorded using older equipment.  It has needed revamping for a while now as the rest of the series was done much later. 

I took a break from 'Holy Spirit of Serenity' as well as 'Valleys' and over Christmas, here and there, the DVD was re-edited into widescreen and the narrations re-recorded.  I am currently tweaking the individual music scores, the main thing that has put me off approaching this task because they are so old that all the instruments point to the wrong places.  I am almost there with it and they are lovely little films, very useful and really summarize a saints' story in a straightforward way.  Although they are short, there is so much packed into them, they are uplifting, informative and all include prayers or quotes at the end of each one.  I hope to finish this task over the following week.

Having completed 'Saint Bernadette of Lourdes' music score before Christmas, I was taking a break and sorting out external hard drives.  I realised that my new music computer is getting quite full and that I should really move some old music scores off. 
Since I want to make many of the scores available on CD, I thought it pointless to move St. Joan of Arc and St. Bernadette of Lourdes folders off of the computer, only to have to put them back on in order to make the music soundtracks.  In need of space, I decided to get cracking right away on Saint Joan.
Calm Your Spirit With Music: Vol 4 CD
Hence, 'Calm Your Spirit With Music: Volume 4' is now complete - the full music soundtrack for our St. Joan of Arc DVD. 
The music is a bit different, very contemplative and mystical with visions and battle, betrayal and trust in God.  I really enjoyed editing it onto CD and listening to it all again.
The CD is available now worldwide from and
To LISTEN to samples from this new album visit our You Tube Channel here!

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